duminică, 27 martie 2011

Owl stamp from Madagascar (Malagasy)

The Republic of Madagascar (older name Malagasy Republic) is an island nation in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa. The main island, also called Madagascar, is the fourth-largest island in the world.

Marsh Owl (Asio capensis - Asio helvola hova) 

The Marsh owl has populations scattered across Botswana, Zimbabwe and large areas of South Africa, living mainly in tall grassland. It usually hunts in the day, eating insects but also small vertebrates, mainly hunting on the wing. It usually nests in a slight depression in the ground, surrounded by dense grass and weeds, making it difficult to find. Here it lays 2-6, usually 2-4 eggs, which are incubated solely by the female, for about 27-28 days. The male does all the hunting, storing his prey in "caches", to be eaten later by either him or the female. The chicks stay in the nest for about 14-18 days, after which they crawl around the surrounding bush for a few weeks, at least until they learn to fly, becoming independent about a month later. - www.biodiversityexplorer.org/

Release date: 1991

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